Heartburn is not fun, and most of us have experienced heartburn at some point in our lives. Sometimes, it happens after eating a hearty meal. But for about 20% of the population, heartburn is a regular occurrence.
We all know that acid reflux is aggravated by fatty and spicy foods, but what foods are the best foods for heartburn? In this article, we’ll be taking a look at what heartburn is and what acid reflux foods are good for managing symptoms.
What Is Acid Reflux (GERD)?
Acid reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), is a disease characterized by stomach acid coming up into the esophagus. Chronic acid reflux, also known as GERD, can lead to significant discomfort and potential health risks if not managed properly. This happens because the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) doesn’t close properly during digestion.
Heartburn is the most common and most noticeable symptom of GERD. However, acid reflux disease that goes unchecked can lead to some serious issues, such as esophageal ulcers and esophageal cancer.
Learn more about the relationship between anxiety and acid reflux: Can Anxiety Cause Acid Reflux – Bariatric Surgery.
Foods That Trigger Acid Reflux
Certain foods are notorious for triggering acid reflux by relaxing the lower esophageal sphincter, increasing stomach acid production, or slowing down digestion. If you suffer from acid reflux, it’s wise to avoid or limit the following:
- Citrus fruits and juices: Lemons, oranges, and grapefruits are high in citric acid, which can exacerbate acid reflux symptoms.
- Tomatoes and tomato-based products: Sauces, soups, and even ketchup can trigger acid reflux due to their high acidity.
- Fatty and fried foods: French fries, fried chicken, and other greasy foods can relax the lower esophageal sphincter and slow digestion.
- Chocolate and cocoa products: These can relax the lower esophageal sphincter and increase stomach acid production.
- Spicy foods: Hot peppers, wasabi, and other spicy ingredients can irritate the esophagus and trigger heartburn symptoms.
- Mint and peppermint products: These can relax the lower esophageal sphincter, making it easier for stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus.
- Caffeine and carbonated drinks: Coffee, soda, and other caffeinated beverages can increase stomach acid production and relax the lower esophageal sphincter.
- Processed meats: Hot dogs, sausages, and other processed meats are high in fat and can trigger acid reflux.
- High-fat dairy products: Cheese, whole milk, and other high-fat dairy products can slow digestion and relax the lower esophageal sphincter.
By identifying and avoiding these trigger foods, you can help manage your acid reflux symptoms more effectively.
What Foods Help Acid Reflux Go Away?
Unfortunately, there are no foods that can help acid reflux go away on their own. GERD has no known cure, but there is evidence that some foods (particularly foods that are high in fiber and low in fat) can help reduce symptoms of GERD.
Following a GERD diet can help manage symptoms by focusing on foods that are high in fiber and low in fat. If you’re dealing with GERD or just have occasional heartburn, and you want to try and reduce the effect of heartburn on your life, try eating more of the following foods.
Best Foods for Heartburn Symptoms
Choosing the right foods can greatly impact how you manage acid reflux symptoms. Certain foods help by reducing stomach acid production and soothing the digestive system. Including these foods in your diet can ease discomfort and prevent symptoms related to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Noncitrus Fruits
Citrus fruits are high in citric acid, which can worsen acid reflux symptoms. However, fruits are great for overall health, and more alkaline fruits such as bananas, watermelon, and honeydew can help improve digestion for those with GERD. While noncitrus fruits are beneficial, it’s important to identify foods to avoid that can trigger acid reflux.
There are a million reasons to eat vegetables, and their fiber content is one of the biggest. Vegetables such as spinach, asparagus, broccoli, carrots, and beets can help increase your fiber and reduce acid reflux symptoms. Incorporating these vegetables into your diet can help reduce the likelihood of trigger symptoms associated with acid reflux.
Lean Meats
Fatty foods, such as fatty meats, have high levels of saturated fat, which is known to make heartburn worse. Choosing leaner cuts of meat such as chicken breast, tilapia, pork tenderloin, and top sirloin can help reduce your overall saturated fat intake.
Whole Grains
Whole grains are high in fiber, making them ideal for reducing acid reflux symptoms. Try replacing your refined-grain foods like white pasta and bread with their whole-grain equivalents. If nothing else, adding more fiber to your diet will help improve your digestion overall. Whole grains are also recommended by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases for their overall health benefits.
Managing acid reflux requires a combination of dietary adjustments and lifestyle changes. By incorporating high-fiber, low-fat foods such as noncitrus fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains into your diet, you can effectively reduce acid reflux symptoms and improve your overall digestive health. Remember to identify and avoid trigger foods to prevent discomfort and maintain a balanced GERD diet for long-term relief.
For individuals with severe GERD symptoms that do not respond to medical treatment, surgical options may be necessary. If you have severe heartburn that doesn’t seem to go away and you’re near the Baltimore area, consider giving Ascension Saint Agnes Bariatric Surgery a call. We’re one of the leading surgery clinics serving Baltimore, specializing in hernia and bariatric surgery. Dysphagia (or trouble swallowing) is one of the most severe symptoms of GERD and is seen in people with both hiatal hernia and severe GERD. Learn more about how we treat hiatal hernia: GERD & Reflux treatment near Baltimore. Contact us today and take the first step towards relief!