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7 Critical Questions to Ask Your Surgeon Before Bariatric Surgery

Considering bariatric surgery is no doubt a big decision. It requires great preparation and understanding. To help one in going through this journey, here are the seven questions one should ask a bariatric surgeon in Maryland.

Is Bariatric Surgery the Right Choice for Me?

One of the most important questions to ask your bariatric surgeon is whether the procedure is the right one for you. They can help you decide upon the best course of action according to your medical history and your lifestyle.

Why Should I Choose You and Your Practice?

This should entail questions about credentials, the number of surgeries they have done, and patient outcomes. This will instill your confidence in their experience and the level of care you will receive.

What Is the Best Procedure for Me?

There are many types of bariatric surgery. These include gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and adjustable gastric banding. Your surgeon should outline all of the procedures, their differences, benefits, and general potential drawbacks associated with each of them.

How Should I Prepare for Bariatric Surgery?

Another question for your bariatric surgeon should be something regarding preparation. Ask for a detailed preoperative plan regarding the necessary lifestyle changes, diet restrictions, and medical evaluations.

What Resources Are Available Before and After Surgery?

Support is crucial as you are losing weight after surgery. Learn what services the surgeon’s practice offers. These may include nutritional counseling, emotional/psychological support, and post-operative follow-up treatment.

Read more: Essential Tips For Bariatric Surgery Recovery

What Is the Risk of Bariatric Surgery?

Knowing the risks of the surgery is one of the most important questions to ask a bariatric surgeon. Inherent in every surgical procedure are risks. Discuss with the surgeon any possible short- and long-term risks so that you can make a well-informed decision.

What Foods Can I Eat After Weight Loss Surgery?

Postsurgical dietary instructions are essential to your recovery and long-term success. Your surgeon should give you a detailed eating plan that clearly discusses what foods to eat and which foods to avoid. You should understand the nature of such dietary changes so that you will be able to reshape your body with this new lifestyle.

Get an Ultimate Surgeon Partner in Maryland

The right surgeon and the right tips make a world of difference in your success. Ascension Saint Agnes has trusted weight loss surgeons in Maryland. Contact us today to begin your journey toward living a healthier life after weight loss surgery.

How to Finance Bariatric Surgery When Insurance Isn’t an Option

Bariatric surgery can significantly improve your quality of life by offering effective solutions for weight management. While insurance often covers this life-altering surgery for those who meet specific criteria, not everyone has this benefit. If you’re exploring how to pay for bariatric surgery without insurance, we will explore some of the options you may have.

Personal and Medical Loans

One viable option for paying for weight loss surgery without insurance is taking out a personal loan. These loans are generally unsecured, meaning they don’t require collateral like a house or car. With decent credit, you might secure a loan with a favorable interest rate, making it a practical choice to fund your surgery.

Alternatively, medical loans can offer a structured way to finance your procedure. These might require collateral, which helps obtain lower interest rates compared to unsecured loans. This option typically allows up to ten years for repayment, making it a feasible solution for many.

Specialized Credit Facilities

CareCredit is a unique credit card specifically designed for health-related expenses, including the bariatric surgery process. It allows for the financing of medical procedures not covered by insurance, often with promotional periods of deferred interest, making it an attractive option for immediate funding.

Health Savings Accounts

If you have a high-deductible health plan, you might be eligible for a Health Savings Account (HSA). An HSA operates much like a personal savings account but is used exclusively for medical expenses. This can be a tax-advantaged way to set aside money for weight loss surgery payments without insurance.

Considering Retirement Funds

Though generally advised as a last resort due to the potential impact on your retirement savings, borrowing from your 401(k)-retirement plan is another option. This approach involves borrowing against your future to fund immediate health needs like bariatric surgery.

Arranging Hospital Payment Plans

Many hospitals offer weight loss surgery payment plans to patients without insurance. These plans typically break down the cost of the surgery over several months or even years, often with minimal or no interest. Directly contacting the billing department of the hospital where your surgery will be performed can provide you with specific details and eligibility criteria.

Explore Your Options With Us

Choosing the right financing option for your bariatric surgery requires careful consideration of your financial situation and long-term health goals. At Ascension Saint Agnes, we understand the complexities involved in funding such significant medical procedures. If you’ve explored these avenues and still find yourself needing assistance, or if your request for surgery authorization was denied, we have the right to appeal on your behalf. Let’s discuss how we can support your journey to better health with the help of a skilled bariatric surgeon in Maryland.

A Guide to Post-Operative Recovery: Walking After Hernia Surgery

A hernia happens when an internal organ bulges through a weakened area in the muscle or tissue meant to keep it contained. Hernia surgery, aimed at correcting these issues, requires careful post-operative care for effective recovery. Among the recommended activities after such surgery is walking, which plays a crucial role in the patient’s return to normal activities.

Benefits of a Gradual Return to Walking

Walking is a gentle exercise that aids significantly in the recovery process after a hernia operation. Beginning with light, short walks help to stimulate circulation and prevent blood clots, which can be a concern after being sedentary. Moreover, walking after hernia surgery enhances muscle tone and supports the overall healing process.

Read more: Can You Safely Exercise With a Hernia?

It’s essential to start slowly, as the body is still healing from the surgery. Gentle walking increases in duration and intensity as the patient’s comfort and endurance improve. This approach helps manage pain and reduces the risk of complications.

Patients often ask us, “How soon can I walk after hernia surgery?” Typically, our doctors encourage getting on your feet and moving—gently and cautiously—as soon as it feels tolerable, often within a day of the operation.

Timing Your Steps Toward Recovery

Knowing when to progress from walking to more strenuous activities like running after hernia surgery is crucial. Generally, walking after hernia surgery is safe and encouraged from day one. However, activities that involve more exertion, like running, should be delayed until the surgeon confirms the healing process is sufficiently advanced.

Patients should closely monitor their own comfort and any signs their body might give that indicate they are pushing too hard or too soon. It’s important to communicate any concerns or irregularities during follow-up visits. Each individual’s recovery timeline will differ, especially depending on the specifics of their surgery. For example, sleep positions after a hernia repair can affect aspects of daily life.

Join Us in Your Journey to Recovery

Choosing the right facility and team for your hernia surgery and recovery is paramount. At Ascension Saint Agnes, we believe recovery is a collaborative journey. Our dedicated team of bariatric surgeons in Maryland and healthcare professionals is committed to guiding you every step of the way—from the initial seminar to post-operative care and beyond. We understand the nuances of each patient’s health history and recovery needs, ensuring personalized care that helps you thrive.

For those seeking hernia repair in Baltimore, look no further than Ascension Saint Agnes. Reach out to us, and let’s walk this path to recovery together.

A Girl Sitting In A Depression

Bariatric Surgery and Depression: Navigating Emotional Wellness Post-Procedure

Undergoing bariatric surgery is a transformative journey, both physically and emotionally. Ascension Saint Agnes in Baltimore is at the forefront of offering advanced weight loss procedures like gastric sleeve and gastric bypass surgeries. While these procedures can lead to significant weight loss and improve your health, they have also been linked to impacts on your mental well-being, leading to conditions such as depression after bariatric surgery.

Understanding Depression after Gastric Sleeve and Bypass

Bariatric surgery is a monumental step in your health journey. It often leads to substantial weight loss and can really enhance your quality of life. However, you also need to recognize that changes in body image, lifestyle adjustments, and shifting hormone levels can contribute to feelings of sadness or depression post-operation.

Acknowledging this possible side effect is the first step toward maintaining mental health after such a significant life change. The journey doesn’t end with surgery. You might find yourself experiencing emotional fluctuations, where the joy of weight loss intertwines with the challenge of adapting to new lifestyle dynamics. After your Bariatric surgery in Baltimore, our focus is on supporting your physical transformation and psychological adjustment.

Identifying and Addressing Depression

Post-surgical depression can manifest in various ways, from persistent sadness and withdrawal from social activities to physical symptoms like fatigue and changes in sleep patterns. Recognizing these signs early will help with effective intervention and support.

Creating a Supportive Environment

  1. Awareness and Education: Make sure you talk to your doctor about the potential for mood changes following surgery so you are prepared for the possible emotional rollercoaster.
  2. Continuous Support: Ascension Saint Agnes advocates for a sustained support system, including counseling and support groups. We are here to help you navigate the emotional complexities of post-bariatric life.
  3. Lifestyle and Dietary Guidance: Adapting to new eating habits and maintaining a balanced diet is vital in stabilizing mood and overall well-being. Sleep will also help in mitigating the effects of depression.

Read More: Sleeping Tips for Better Rest After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Looking Forward With Hope

Depression after gastric bypass surgery or a gastric sleeve procedure is a significant concern that requires attention and care. At Ascension Saint Agnes, the commitment to patient health encompasses both physical and emotional well-being.

Embark on a Journey of Healing

If you’re considering bariatric surgery and are concerned about its emotional implications, Ascension Saint Agnes Bariatric Surgery is here to answer your questions. With a holistic approach to care, the journey to a healthier, happier life is within reach. Contact us to learn more about how we can support you through every step of your weight loss and emotional wellness journey.

Navigating Nutrients: Vital Vitamins for Post-Bariatric Surgery Health

Taking the first steps down the road to health and wellness after weight loss surgery is a brave new beginning. One critical aspect to consider is the nourishment of your transformed body. Understanding what vitamins bariatric patients should takeis a cornerstone of your post-operative success. At Ascension Saint Agnes, we’re committed to guiding you through these choices, ensuring you have the knowledge and resources to thrive after your procedure.

What Are the Best Vitamins to Take After Bariatric Surgery?

Your body undergoes some big changes after bariatric surgery and so does its vitamin absorption abilities. It’s all about absorbing more from what you consume rather than just focusing on eating less. Here’s what you need to know about what vitamins a bariatric patient should take:

  • Multifaceted Multivitamins: Multivitamins serve as a comprehensive source for the essential vitamins and minerals your altered digestive system needs.
  • Calcium Citrate: Calcium citrate is recommended over other forms for its superior absorption post-surgery, ensuring your bones receive the support they need.
  • Iron’s Role: Adequate iron intake is vital, especially if you’re at risk for anemia or are a woman of childbearing age. Iron helps to carry oxygen throughout the body, supporting energy levels and overall health.

Adjusting to Your New Needs

The Ascension Saint Agnes team emphasizes a tailored approach to post-bariatric nutrition and what vitamins you should take after bariatric surgery. Your dietary requirements are as unique as your journey, and that includes the vitamins you take.

  • Personalized Vitamin Plans: Your healthcare provider will recommend a regimen based on your specific surgery and lifestyle.
  • Monitoring and Adjusting: Regular blood work is vital to ensure your vitamin levels are optimal, and your plan will be adjusted as needed.

What Vitamins Do Bariatric Patients Need: Bariatric Vitamin Patches After Surgery

For some, taking traditional vitamin supplements can be hard after surgery. Bariatric vitamin patches offer an innovative alternative, delivering essential nutrients transdermal.

  • Easy Application: Vitamin patches are simple to use and can be a gentler option for those with sensitive stomachs.
  • Consistent Nutrient Delivery: Patches provide a steady release of nutrients throughout the day, which help with absorption post-surgery.

What Vitamins Do You Take After Bariatric Surgery: A Step Toward Sustained Health

Your wellness journey is ongoing, and Ascension Saint Agnes is here to support every step. From the bariatric surgeon in Maryland who expertly guides your surgery to the nutritional specialists who help you select your vitamins, you’re not alone. Embrace your new beginning with the right nutrients to fuel your body and spirit.

Intermittent Fasting and Bariatric Surgery

Intermittent Fasting and Bariatric Surgery: Insights for Baltimore’s Gastric Sleeve Patients

After undergoing a transformative bariatric surgery in Baltimore, patients often explore various dietary strategies to enhance their health outcomes. A question at the forefront is whether bariatric surgery patients can do intermittent fasting, especially after procedures like the gastric sleeve.

Intermittent Fasting After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Adopting intermittent fasting after gastric sleeve surgery can be a journey filled with questions, and rightly so. This dietary practice, often lauded for its benefits, must be navigated with a keen understanding of your altered physiology post-surgery. While the allure of fasting may beckon, it is essential for gastric sleeve recipients in Baltimore to consider the tailored advice of their healthcare providers. Engaging in intermittent fasting isn’t just about following a trend. It’s about making informed choices that harmonize with your unique post-operative nutritional requirements, ensuring that each meal and the timing thereof contributes to your sustained well-being and vitality.

Balancing Nutritional Needs

Embarking on the post-operative journey as a patient of gastric sleeve surgery, you face the pivotal task of balancing your nutritional intake. It’s not simply about eating—it’s about nourishing every cell in your body. Let’s break down what this means for you:

  • Consistent Meal Timing: Regularly scheduled meals are your cornerstone, providing a steady stream of energy and essential nutrients.
  • Nutrient Density Over Volume: Small meals packed with vitamins, minerals, and protein support healing without overwhelming your new stomach size.
  • Hydration Is Key: Between meals, ample fluid intake keeps you hydrated and aids digestion, a simple yet vital aspect of your post-surgery diet.

Navigating your nutrition after a gastric sleeve is less about restriction and more about making every bite count. It’s a harmonious blend of science and self-care—where the quality of your food choices impacts not just your weight but your overall vitality. As you move forward, remember that your bariatric team in Baltimore is ready to support you in this essential aspect of your journey toward wellness.

Guidance from Bariatric Experts in Baltimore

If you are wondering if you can do intermittent fasting after gastric bypass surgery, you need to consult with experienced bariatric surgeons. These experts can provide tailored advice to ensure that intermittent fasting does not compromise the nutritional balance critical for recovery and long-term health.

Take the Next Step with Ascension Saint Agnes

When it comes to your health post-gastric sleeve surgery, your actions shape your wellness. For Baltimore locals considering intermittent fasting, let Ascension Saint Agnes guide you. Our bariatric experts are at the forefront, ready to personalize your nutritional plan. Take charge of your health journey today—contact Ascension Saint Agnes and secure your path to balanced well-being.

Can You Take Bariatric Vitamin Patches After Surgery?

A lot of people wonder, “Are vitamin patches for bariatric patients okay?” After all, liquid vitamins are recommended after bariatric surgery to help you heal faster and absorb nutrients. However, multivitamin capsules typically aren’t suggested until around seven months after surgery.

However, every surgeon or location has their own protocols. You should ultimately consult with your doctor to understand the best options for your situation. But, in this article, let’s cover whether vitamin patches after bariatric surgery are suggested, specifically.

Learn More: Foods To Stay Away From After Weight Loss Surgery

The Benefits Of Vitamins After Weight Loss Surgery

Bariatric multivitamins help you get additional nutrients that your body may not be able to absorb or get by other means. After all, many times you’ll be on a special diet that restricts what you’re allowed to eat.

Taking vitamins can help you improve your energy levels, heart health, immune system, and more. It can even help you with your ligament and skin health. Of course, this goes to collagen and healing as well. For this reason, supplementation is incredibly effective after weight loss surgery, and that’s why most surgeons recommend it.

Gastric Bypass Vitamin Patches

Vitamin patches for bariatric surgery work by penetrating the pores of your skin. From here, they transport nutrients into your bloodstream. For getting certain nutrients like magnesium, this is fairly effective.

However, for most vitamins and minerals, this is not ideal. Particularly, vitamin K, vitamin B12, and vitamin A are too large molecularly to pass through the skin’s pores and be absorbed.

The American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) says that vitamin A and B12 are deficiencies that bariatric patients experience the most, and therefore a vitamin patch simply wouldn’t be adequate.

Therefore, at Ascension St. Agnes, we do not suggest vitamin patches. Contact our offices to understand alternatives that may help you get the nutrients that you need after your procedure.


Getting bariatric surgery in Maryland means you will be able to reduce your food intake by reducing hunger. You may also not be able to absorb nutrients at the level you did before. Therefore, since you have vitamin and mineral deficiencies, you’ll need to supplement this nutrition somehow.

Reach out to Ascension Saint Agnes for information on the best practices when it comes to recovering from your weight loss procedure. It’s time to discover a lighter you.

Snack Time: The Best Protein For Bariatric Patients

If you have bariatric surgery in Maryland, then you can lose weight and feel better at the same time. However, this doesn’t mean that you can simply sit around and eat whatever you want. You will need to make some lifestyle changes.

This is particularly true in the first couple months after your gastric sleeve or gastric bypass surgery. Your digestive system is going to be different and your stomach is going to be healing. So good nutrition is going to be key. One of the keys to this nutritional plan is eating high protein foods for bariatric patients.

Protein and Bariatric Patients 101

Protein has a lot of benefits for your body and weight loss goals. Ideally, you would eat around 60 to 80 grams of protein per day. Now this may be difficult as you will have a much smaller stomach.

Still, this is the target to move towards. So in this article, let’s talk about ways to eat more high protein and the best snacks to ensure you get your daily nutrition.

Protein For Bariatric Patients: The Importance

The first thing to understand is to eat your proteins first in every meal. That’s almost more important than the type of protein that you eat. As long as you prioritize your protein, you won’t be as hungry for other things like carbs or sugar.

So that being said, let’s talk about some specific foods that you can eat that are great for your muscle, immune system, and fat loss. That’s not to mention the positive effect that protein has on your nails and bones and skin.

Protein After Bariatric Surgery That You Should Eat


Eggs are one of the most total and complete sources of protein you can eat. They also taste very rich and are very filling. You can use eggs in a salad, you can eat them for breakfast or even mix them into other foods like soups and pastas.

Meat and Poultry

Chicken is an excellent choice for high protein. Consider chicken soup or even grilled chicken. This is one of the best high protein meals for bariatric patients.


Eating grilled fish is a wonderful way to get a lot of protein. Fish also has omega 3 fatty acids and other natural nutrients that make them nutritious.

Soy Milk And Tofu

|Soy milk and tofu both have proteins in them. You can add these to salads, soups or anything else. They’re also a nice vegetarian or vegan substitute if you prefer not to eat animal products.

Cottage Cheese Or Yogurt

These have probiotics and protein. This is a nice double bonus if you’re looking to get a lot of nutrients in your diet.

Beans, Lentils And Chickpeas

Any type of bean is a great addition to your meal. They have complex carbohydrates which means your body has to work harder to break them down.

Ultimately this boosts your metabolism and makes you store less fat. They also have a good source of protein.

This being said, what are some things that you should avoid?

Foods to Avoid

Let’s touch on some foods to stay away from briefly. (For a full list, go here). You should avoid sugary foods, fatty foods and acidic foods. And stay away from bread, pasta, cake, candy and soda.

If you stick to vegetables, proteins and the occasional fruit, you’ll be able to keep your weight down and help your body heal.

Learn About Bariatric Surgery Today

Consider reaching out to the experts in bariatric surgery in Maryland right now at Ascension St. Agnes. Our expert doctors are waiting to help you with your weight loss surgery.

You can drop the pounds, gain more energy and ultimately feel the same way you did in your early 20s again. All you have to do is click a button or make a quick phone call and you’re on your way.

The Unforeseen Consequences of Smoking Before and After Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery is a significant operation, and patients should take every precaution beforehand to ensure the best possible outcome for their health. For the best recovery and long-term results, you must follow specific tips like wearing comfortable clothes, eating balanced meals for nutrition and exercise, and not smoking.

Read more: Essential Tips For Bariatric Surgery Recovery.

Smoking before or after bariatric surgery can have many risky consequences. We will explain the risks of smoking before and after bariatric surgery and why it is essential to avoid smoking altogether.

Effects of Smoking: Before and After Weight Loss Surgery

Smoking earlier than and after a bariatric surgical procedure can harm your health. Smoking has been observed to spread problems in bariatric surgery, such as contamination and death.

These include:

1) Wound infections:

If people smoke earlier than and after bariatric surgery, their wounds will be infected. This may extend the time it takes for the affected person to heal from the procedure.

2) Anastomosis problems:

Smoking can significantly reduce blood flow to areas surgically operated on during bariatric surgery. This can increase the risk of anastomosis disruption when surgically created connections between vessels fail to heal correctly.

3) Increased danger of death:

Studies have proven that smoking earlier than and after bariatric surgical treatment will increase the chance of dying due to issues from the procedure. Smoking can limit the effectiveness of the body’s restoration response.

4) Ulcers:

When people who smoke undergo surgery, they produce much less of a  substance called prostaglandin E2. This can increase the chance of extreme ulcerations in the belly or intestines. Smoking can additionally lead to delayed restoration of the body’s strength following bariatric procedures.

5) Blood Clots:

Smoking can enlarge the chance of deep venous thrombosis or blood clots in veins. The danger is also expanded when an affected person smokes before and after bariatric surgery.

One solution to decrease these dangers is to cease smoking completely earlier than the process of bariatric surgery. Quitting smoking will enhance standard fitness and the effectiveness of any bariatric procedure.

Additionally, people must comply with all post-operative directions their health practitioner offers to promote healing and decrease the hazard of complications. It is necessary to be aware that quitting smoking is a first-class way to ensure suitable fitness following bariatric surgery.

Tips To Quit Smoking Before and After Bariatric Surgery

If you’re thinking about bariatric surgery, it is critical to cease smoking. Cigarette smoke carries poisonous materials that enter your bloodstream and can intervene with recovery after surgery. Furthermore, smoking earlier than and after the technique will increase post-surgery issues such as an infection in the surgical wound, blood clots, and more.

Quitting smoking is no longer accessible. However, you can take steps to make the method easier. Here are some hints to assist you in stopping smoking earlier than and after bariatric surgery:

1. Make a plan:

Before quitting, devise a method for your lifestyle. This can encompass goals, warding off triggers, and discovering help from friends or households to help you control.

2. Take advantage of resources:

A range of free sources is accessible to assist you in stopping smoking. These encompass nicotine patches and gum, guide organizations to talk about your progress, and even apps that handle day-by-day cravings.

Call Ascension Saint Agnes Hospital for the best bariatric surgery in Baltimore. We perform a range of surgeries, including gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, and lap band procedures.

Gastric Sleeve vs. Lap-Band Surgery

Obesity and excess weight can affect one’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Bariatric surgery effectively reduces weight, but deciding between the two most common forms – gastric sleeve vs. Lap-Band surgery – requires careful consideration.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery (known as Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy) is a type of bariatric surgery that reduces the size of the stomach and restricts the amount of food you can consume. This procedure removes more than half of a patient’s stomach, leaving behind a narrow sleeve-like structure. Post-op diet and nutrition plans are typically lower-calorie and nutrient-rich, helping to reduce hunger cravings.

Read more: Diet After Gastric Sleeve Surgery.

In comparison, Lap-Band surgery involves placing a band around the top of the stomach. This creates a small pouch that is separated from the rest of the stomach. The band helps control how much food can be eaten and absorbed by regulating the opening size between the pouch and the lower part of the stomach.

We will explain each of these surgeries in more detail and the associated advantages and disadvantages.

What Is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery or sleeve gastrectomy, or vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG), is a procedure in which the stomach is partially removed and re-shaped into a narrow tube. This bariatric procedure reduces the size of the stomach to about 15% of its original size. Gastric sleeve surgery removes a part of the stomach, which helps the patient feel full sooner and eat less. After the surgery, patients must follow a strict diet and exercise routine to ensure successful weight loss.

Benefits of Choosing Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery is a good choice for those looking to lose weight and maintain long-term weight loss. It has the following benefits:

•  Low complication rate — Gastric sleeve surgery carries a low risk of complications, making it an appealing option for many patients.

•  Reduced appetite — The reduced size of the stomach limits how much food a patient can eat, leading to fewer cravings.

•  No foreign objects — Unlike with Lap-Band surgery, no foreign objects are placed in the body with gastric sleeve surgery.

•  Long-term success — Gastric sleeve surgery successfully provides long-term weight loss.

What Is Lap-Band Surgery?

Lap-band surgery, also known as gastric banding or laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB), is a procedure in which an adjustable silicone band is placed around the top of the stomach to create a small pouch. This pouch restricts the amount of food consumed, leading to weight loss. The band also slows down digestion, allowing patients to feel full longer.

Benefits of Choosing Lap-Band Surgery

Lap-band surgery is a good choice for those looking to lose weight and maintain long-term weight loss. It has the following benefits:

– Lap-band surgery is a minimally invasive procedure. It involves placing an inflatable silicone band around the stomach’s top, making it easier to eat less and feel fuller faster.

– The lap band can be adjusted over time, allowing for gradual weight loss rather than drastic changes at once. This helps reduce the chance of long-term weight gain and improves overall success.

– Lap-band surgery is reversible, allowing you to return to your original weight if desired. It also has fewer risks than other weight loss surgeries, such as gastric bypass.

Call  Ascension Saint Agnes for the best gastric sleeve surgery in Maryland. Our team of world-class bariatrics surgeon in Maryland provides a comprehensive guide to gastric sleeve versus lap-band surgery.