Weight Loss Blog
A Guide to the Cost of Gastric Sleeve Surgery
There is no set cost for gastric sleeve surgery. However, you can look at average costs and start to form your idea from there. If you want an exac…
3 Reasons Why Diarrhea Happens After Gastric Sleeve Surgery and How to Deal With It
Is it normal to have diarrhea after gastric sleeve? Unfortunately, yes. Many people experience diarrhea after gastric sleeve surgery. This is a com…
What Foods Can You Not Eat After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
Gastric sleeve surgery in Maryland has helped thousands of individuals reclaim their health and their lives. However, it isn’t the quick fix that m…
Advantages of Gastric Sleeve Surgery
With so many types of weight loss procedures available, it can be difficult to settle on the one that is perfect for you. After all, each has its a…
What Medication to Take and What to Avoid After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
After getting a gastric sleeve in Maryland, you have to face a lot of changes. One of those is avoiding certain medications for at least a few week…
Diet After Gastric Sleeve Surgery
Many patients opt to get gastric sleeve surgery in order to lose a large amount of weight very quickly. Gastric sleeve surgery is an alternative to…
What Causes Weight Gain After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
The gastric sleeve procedure, more properly called sleeve gastrectomy, is one of the most popular and effective laparoscopic bariatric procedures o…
How Sleeve Gastrectomy Became A Common Bariatric Procedure
Sleeve gastrectomy is one of the most common procedures done for bariatric surgery. For years, surgeons and researchers have figured out ways to mo…